Hey Everyone. Its been along tyme since i blog huh?miss me tak? school was not great especially sitting beside hidayah.
No kidding . u all know how she is right . The blur type and never pay attention.
shes not giving me a hard tme but mundzir did.
I hardly pay attention to the teachers. because mundzir keeps Looking at us.
indeed its very irritating.
Perhaps i shud ask my form teacher to change his sit place.and place him right infront.
I think it will be better.
So, one more week for the common test to end. even its a common test its giving me a hard tyme. studying studying .
i even cried in class as i was unable to finished my common test in tyme.
The best subject so far was Bahasa melayu. karangan but i doubt i get high marks for it as i always get low marks for cikgu masniah's homeworks.
no kidding. Its always F! never been A!
I really miss sec4 '08 .
me and suhael always left out because others have their duties to do,
Now its been the same!
But now i dun have a patner.
Its so frustrating. Hayati , and sakinah the s.E.A 's gurls
(english club ) while yoyok in nadi lughah club.
and me perbayu (persatuan bahasa melayu )
ape lagi nak ckp ehk?
erm.. yeah i met my childhood fwen.
first row from left: Murtadha.
and thats him. wait!~ i got pic when we are still kids.
first row beside marfu'a . songkok putih!~ LOL.
(: Tats all for today. bye seme!~